


Steam generators to Belarus

Steamrator delivered 8 MW module steam plant for meat processing factory to Mogilev, Belarus. Mogilev is a city in eastern Belarus about 200 km from Minsk and it is a third largest city in Belarus.

The meat processing factory works in three shifts and employs about 1000 person. The total meet processing capacity is 240 tons in day and it´s products are mostly exported to Russia.

The needed process steam capacity is 12.000 kg/h and it is produced by 4xSTEAM 3000 steam generators.

The start up works went well and the steam plant successfully connected to customer´s process in a week.


New sales outlets

Steamrator expanded its operations in Belarus and Ukraine. New offices responsible for Alexandr Politchuk in Belarus and Oleg Kuharev in Ukraine.


Alexandr Politchuk
+375 44 738 1784


Oleg Kuharev
+380 67 708 0784


Telephones renewed / Förnyät telefonsystemet

Our telephone has been renewed and old numbers are out of use. The new numbers are:
Vi har förnyat telefonsystemet och de gamla nummrarna är icke mera i bruk. De nya är:

Jyrki Valkonen (FIN, ENG, RUS)
+358 50 545 3141

Jari Kuva (FIN, ENG, SWE)
+358 50 433 1215

Aleksei Proskurjakov (RUS, FIN)
+358 50 433 1216

Perttu Takala (FIN)
+358 50 466 6606